Triumph: Trident

A midnight shoot at the Triumph factory in Hinkley. As we needed to use the factory as the backdrop for this shoot, we had to start at midnight so that the factory was empty. It wasn’t our first time in the Triumph factory, but it was certainly the first time I’ve seen it with out a single person part from our team, which I have to say was rather cool. There was also another reason for the start time as we had an outside shoot to do which we needed complete dark, and as this was the height of summer the time was dictated to us a little more. Along side the prototype and finished Trident bike, we also had the 3D model printed version which Triumph Motorcycles now have in house capabilities of printing whole bikes. Moving the bike around was very surreal as it weighs next to nothing, but feels like the real deal.


Triumph Rocket iii


Triumph Boneville Ace/Diamond